Thursday, March 31, 2011

Who Takes the Sting?

The editorial I want to comment on is William Gee’s “SHOW ME THE MONEY!! or not”.  For a full view of this blog click here.  In the blog William Gee brings to the point the possible corrupted integrity of the Republican representatives in being unwilling to take a paycheck cut.  William Gee talks of how the Democrats are trying to pass the bill, so why won’t Republicans.  Gee quotes a representative who he is just like all citizens, hardly getting by, but Gee goes on to argue that a salary of $200,000 isn’t exactly barely getting by.  Gee was unemployed for 6 months so he himself has felt the sting of the economy.  All Americans have felt the sting of the economy and shouldn’t the Representatives be representing the citizens.  So why should the citizens feel all the sting, why shouldn’t the representatives take some of the load?
Gee has a point.  Both Republicans and Democrats need to stand up, all representatives need to be aware of what their constituents are going through, and then react to that.  Especially with the economic crisis as it is, the fiscal budget needs to be cut.  Gee has had a first hand experience in dealing with hardships and has proved to be a concerned citizen.
Even though representatives deal with everything on a much higher level than the average citizen, Republicans and Democrats alike are all just human beings too.  It is hard to know exactly the affect legislation, decisions, and cuts will have on the nation, so who inevitably pulls the plug?  It is the job of the representatives to decide what is best.  The economy is in trouble. Constituents and representatives, no matter party affiliation, need to step up and make decisions that are best for everyone.

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