Saturday, March 12, 2011

Obama’s Social Security Hoax: Charles Krauthammer

In “Obama’s Social Security Hoax”, Charles Krauthammer brings into argument the Obama Administration's fraud in saying that the trust fund for Social Security is solvent until 2037.  Krauthammer states that the Big Three entitlements that devour the U.S. budget are Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.  Krauthammer claims that Social Security problems can easily be fixed by raising the retirement age, tweaking the indexing formula (from wage inflation to price inflation) and performing a means test (so that Warren Buffett’s check gets redirected to a senior in need).
Krauthammer explains that the Social Security money comes from the current workers and is never saved into a big trust fund.  Krauthammer goes on to say that the Baby Boomers are beginning to retire and there is no longer sufficient funds to pay the social security, therefore causing an even bigger deficit to the national budget.  In 2010 alone, Social Security shortfalls raised the national deficit by $37 Billion.
Krauthammer uses logical thinking in approaching the problem, and uses numbers as his facts.  Krauthammer is writing to any concerned citizen in an attempt to open the eyes to the fraud Krauthammer sees.  However, as thought out as Krauthammer’s approach to fixing Social Security is, it is almost completely unrealistic.  Social Security has been around for so long, and covers so much spending, that getting enough support for change would be almost impossible.  Everyone has the programs they think are important, and with Social Security being such a big part of the U.S. budget, there are many supporters of Social Security.
Krauthammer not only insults the Obama Administration by claiming what they state is fraud, but Krauthammer goes so far as to say that the Obama is using Social Security as a demagogue for the 2012 elections.  Republicans are trying to get real entitlement reform into the April Budget, but an ad claims they are just throwing granny out into the snow for no real reason.  
Throughout the blog Krauthammer speaks of the need for a better Social Security system, and Administrators to think more logical and have more integrity with the American people.  Obviously Social Security isn’t going anywhere, but it does need some kind of change that will satisfy all sides, if even possible.  Click here for a link to the full blog.

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